
今回はMelbourneについて! 2日のみの滞在。

世界一住みやすい街 (2017) というだけあって中心地の街は京都のような碁盤の目のようなカクカクした造りでした。それとトラムが囲み一定期間内は無料で利用できる、シドニーやゴールドコーストに比べると何ともお得なサービス。 


人もみな暖かかった。 バッパー宿ではすぐに韓国人の子が話しかけてくれ、その流れで部屋のみんなとなかよく日本の漫画について話したり、カジノでは自称作家のおじさんと仲良くなり、友達の働くレストランに行くと、そこのオーナーがかなり安くしてくれ、さらにデザートまで追加でくれたり、最高のグルメ旅にもなりました。





Best carbonara ever with Nao 🍚 




Brighton Beach with Leony !!!








the most liveable city in the world  2017

i went to Melbourne for just two days.

it was qutie nice especially people live there. they are so nice to me. For example when i enter the dormitory in backpackers, a girl from Korea talked to me and she introduced me to other share mates and we talk about NARUTO .  and in Casino, a funny old guy talked to me and my friend.  it was good conversation. and the last night i went to the fancy japanese restaurant where Nao works. and then his boss gave us dessert for free plus she gave us a lot of disscount. she is sooo kind and saved my money too lol


and You can enjoy wall art there . there is heaps of streets have different pics. 

i was not into this stuff but if you like them , you can spent all day looking for fav one.


see u tmr

finally i am gonna leave Australia tomorrow morning!!!