FIJI 思い出の国









雨が降りそうで不安でしたがなんとか持ちました!波もそんなに高くないきれいな波で初心者にはもってこいの場所です。 はじめボードを借りるとき一時間60ドルといわれ高すぎると意気消沈しビーチを歩いていたところ一人のフィジアン(マイル)が話しかけてボードも安く貸してくれると!40ドルで時間無制限!これは借りないわけがないと。波のベストスポットも教えてもらいいざ海へ! ただショートボードでしたので立てずにあがいていました。隣にイギリス人カップルもいましたが彼らも初心者のようで苦戦中。するとそこへ、マイルが海にやってきて泳ぎ始めるタイミング、立つタイミングを教えてくれて全員立てるようにすぐなりました! 少し横にもすすめて大満足!!! 帰りににココナッツジュースもごちそうしてくれ、しかもお金を請求してこなかったので何か悪い気持がして5ドルあげて煙草を一緒に吸いました(笑)


そしてタウンに帰ってちょうどよい時間にVenomが上映してたので映画館によって見ましたが、これはかなりの傑作だと思います!マーベルファンは絶対見るべき! ちなみにフィジーの映画は日本円で400円程度で見れるし字幕もないので英語の勉強にもなりよく通っていました。 



tmr morning im gonna leave here and go to NZ

this time i will write about day 2 and 3.



i met up with two girls who had studied english with me in same semester. we went to the fijian traditinal village which they have been couple of time, there is still lot of people live in villages and stay in old life even compare to other fijians in town and its common. when we got there prenty of children came around us and seemed curious about us. Minami brought barooms and gave them to children. even barooms can make them enjoy and excited. i thought this generation of japanese cildren can not have fun with only barooms. they need like game or something. coz they grow up in defferent styles. anyway i was happy when they were playing. and they made my day. on the way back to town i was wondering that there were kinda same days in japan long time ago. i mean neighbors cared each other, make some friends easily even though they didnt know, and spent more time with family. i wish we could come back those days.



i want to Natandora beach where was my first surf in my life. it was about to rain but i tried and thanks God it wasnt.  its famous for good wave and even beginers can surf. but when i get there and tried to hire a short boad and then they said it costed 60 dollars per hour. i was like what the fuck!! soooo expencive, i couldnt afford that. so i was just walking along the beach. suddenly one fijian guy(Mile) came to talk to me. he said he can give a boad 40 dollars per hour. hell yes!

but i was strugling with standing on it and Englamd couple who surf next to me too. and then he came in to the sea and tought us how to surf. we suddenly got tips and we could all stand!! and i couod move little bit right side. i was really satisfied with that.after that he gave me coconuts juice for free and i felt guilty of what he has dine to me and i gave hime 5 dollars and smoked ciggy together. such a nice trip!!


and then i watcheed Venom which is Marvel new movie. it was quite good more than i expected. i highly recommend it!!!



